Progressive Web Application: Statistics- Infographic

Deeksha Agarwal
2 min readApr 21, 2022

We love PWAs and seems like so do you 😉 That’s why you are here. In our previous blogs, Testing a Progressive web app with LambdaTest and Planning to move your app to a PWA: All you need to know, we have already gone through a lot on PWAs so we decided to cut is short and make it easier for you to memorize by making an Infographic, all in one place. Hope you like it.

Note: Session history management - The pushstate() and replaceState() methods of the history object are used to manipulate the browser’s session history.

Note: seamless attribute for iframes - The seamless attribute allows the contents of iframe elements to flow into regular ancestor elements. Since the content is rendered by the browser, it is subject to all of the usual browser quirks and CSS styles that affect resolution or layout.

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<img src='' alt='Progressive Web Application:
Statistics' 540px border='0' />



Deeksha Agarwal

Deeksha Agarwal is in Product Growth at LambdaTest and is also a passionate tech blogger and product evangelist.